"...the closer you are to the altar, the more you will remember to speak with Jesus in daily prayer; the more you will be nourished by the Word and the Body of the Lord, the better able you will be to go out to others, bringing them the gift that you have received, giving in your turn, with enthusiasm, the joy you have received."
Altar Servers assist the celebrant and the entire worshipping community during the celebration of the liturgy of the Mass, during special liturgies, and during the celebration of sacraments.
Altar Servers are blessed to have an intricate role in the Mass, performing specific actions and setting an example to the congregation by their active participation in the Liturgy. It is our hope that the tasks they perform will foster worship to draw all of us to participate in an intimate way during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and to desire unity with Jesus Christ.
St. Benilde Parish Altar Server Ministry invites any boy who is interested in serving on the altar to attend training practices in the Fall of each year. These annual practices for both veteran and new servers are required in order to serve in our parish.
Criteria for serving in the Altar Server Ministry
If your son is interested in serving in this Liturgical Ministry, please contact our Altar Servers scheduling coordinator, Casey Sprehe at [email protected].